Physical Education

At Hollywood Primary School we believe that the Physical Education Curriculum makes a significant contribution to a child’s physical, emotional, intellectual and personal development. Children’s feelings about their physical ability and their attitude to sport will often carry over into adolescence and adult life.  We aim to provide an enjoyable, satisfying and balanced programme, which will develop these skills and attitudes conducive to involvement in an active and healthy lifestyle.

We aim to promote enjoyment of physical activity with every child participating in the ‘Hollywood Mile’ for 10/15 minutes per day. Children take part regularly in Curriculum PE including gymnastics, dance, fitness exercises, individual and team games both indoors and outdoors. Swimming is available to all children from Y4-6 who cannot swim 25m. Whilst those who can, put these skills to more practical use with water sports, funded through the Sports Premier funding from the Government.

Through our external links we welcome sports specialists to deliver elements of Curriculum PE and after school clubs. We are proud of our variety of after-school opportunities/clubs and teams available to children across the school during the school year and we participate in numerous intra and inter-school competitions with both our local schools and through the National School Games programme. These competitions include netball, football, tag rugby, cricket and athletics to name a few at different periods throughout the year.