
"Computing is not about computers anymore, it is about living."

Nicholas Negroponte


Computing is integral to pupils’ lives. We aim to foster pupils’ curiosity and creativity so they will go on to be successful in the STEM careers of the future.

We aim to:



With a fully networked computer suite and at least one computer in every classroom together with digital cameras, scanners, video equipment and programmable toys, we aim to cover the National Curriculum for Computing. Our curriculum is broad and ensures the three strands of computing, Computing, Information Technology and Digital Literacy, are embedded into our modules.

We use Purple Mash to support our Computing Teaching. This provides a progressive approach and ensures children gain a wide range of different technological experiences using a variety of tools. The overlaps between units serve to deepen understanding of computational concepts and provide opportunities for pupils to apply and extend understanding and make links in their knowledge and capabilities.

We aim to build on previous learning and ensure opportunities for pupils to revisit prior learning. We also look for opportunities to incorporate the computational skills into other subjects.

Children are set and can complete work on Purple Mash, using 2Dos. These are viewed by the teacher, usually within the lesson, to provide active on the spot feedback and guidance.


When children leave Hollywood Primary school they will:

We measure the impact of our curriculum by: